Pure Neem Oil
Pure Virgin Organic Certified Unrefined Cold Pressed Oil
Neem oil is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of the neem (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent.
Neem oil find wide usage as a biopesticide for organic farming, as it repels a wide variety of pests including: mealy bug, beet armyworm, aphids, the cabbage worm, thrips, whiteflies, mites, fungus gnats, beetles, moth larvae, mushroom flies, leafminers, caterpillars, locust, nematodes and the Japanese beetle.
100ml glass bottle
Never use pure!
Dilute the Neem in warm water with a percentage between 0.5% and 2% , shake well and spray on the plants.
Apply at sunset, not in direct sunlight, or plants may have burns.
Two drops of liquid soap can be used to help the emulsion between water and oil, however shake well before using.